Thursday, December 14, 2017


When I first thought of the idea to do this - it was going to mostly be about pornography addiction. I was going to make an attempt to help both those who struggle and their loved ones. I'd still like to do that. Although, at this point I have decided to expand a bit. I have been concerned with others as well. There are others that I want to reach - that I want to know that you matter. I've been concerned about those in the LGBT+ community that feel and are treated like they don't belong. I've also been very concerned about those with mental illness and those who are suicidal. I just want everyone to feel loved and like they have 'people'. I want to be able to educate and include. I want to be able to share love and hope.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Family Technology Use

Here's another helpful resource to check out. There is a brief explanation and analogy - along with several links to more resources. I'm hoping to be able to get more resources gathered for myself, my family, and for others.

Friday, June 24, 2016


I listened to this one today. You're welcome to listen to the whole thing. I thought to share it here for what he says from 14:27 to 15:20. Don't ever confuse who you are with what you do or have done. He's talking more about professions/careers. But, I think it applies here as well. The list he mentions matches up well with what addictions can do to a person. You have divinity in you - no matter what others might know you for or know about you.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


I heard a question yesterday about whether grandmas need to know about pornography. Do they need to know what it is and how to help the kids in their lives avoid it? This is not the first time I've encountered this topic. The answer is a big, YES, grandparents need to know what's going on in their grandchildren's world. They need to be educated about and be able/willing to discuss pornography with their grandchildren - especially those that frequent their home. Taking precautions is necessary as well. What a tragic story if a child had their first exposure to pornography at their grandparents' house...or even worse...the child found it was a place where continual use was possible. I'm not saying that will definitely be the end result. I am saying that if you have children in your life - you need to be informed and take action. (Make sure their parents are included.) As you are inspired to do so, please have the needed conversations with those you love. As you find out more - you'll probably realize that goes for all children. Any of the people in your life that haven't reached adulthood and all of the adult children you have count in that category as well.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Shine A Light

Just watched this...

All of us need to do whatever it takes to know our loved ones well - to know what they need and to be able and willing to take action.

Knowledge Is Power

Here I am a couple of months later. I feel like this is so important. I want kids, young adults, and parents to know there are resources available to them. I want them to know there are others experiencing some of the same kind of issues. I want everyone to know they are loved. 
Everyone has heard the phrase 'Knowledge is Power'. It seems that most of the time that has to do with information we learn that has to do with facts about the world around us. I think knowing facts is important. There's so much to know about so many different topics. I love learning. I love seeing my kids learn. As I share here - I want another kind of knowledge to permeate the lives of others. I want others to know that help and support is available. I want those who are struggling to know that no one needs to fight their battles alone. I have a deep desire for everyone to know they aren't alone and that there are people in your life who care. I feel a need to have tools available to all who need them - tools that will help a person make it through the day, tools that will help families (and others) communicate and support each other effectively, tools that will enable a person to make the choices that are right for that will change lives.

Monday, March 14, 2016

UCAP Conference

I took the opportunity to go to the UCAP Conference on Saturday. It was a great experience. Although, I did come away a bit exhausted - emotionally, mentally, and physically. I feel like there is so much to do. There's so much to learn and share. There are so many things to still do with my kids...mainly conversations. I want them to be safe. I want to help them be informed. I want them to feel like they can talk with me...about anything. I want to have the tools I need. I want other parents to have tools they need. And, I really want kids to have the tools they need to keep themselves safe in every way.